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A must have platform to win your market online

WebZender helps you Identify performance, security & SEO issues on your webpages and give you tips on how to improve them, while tracking your websites visitors for you to see improvement

Web Analytics
Track your website visitors in realtime, without compromising their privacy.
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Identify performance, security & SEO issues on your webpages, and get tips on how to improve them.
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Web & Utility Tools
Expore our web tools to improve and properly maintain your website for free
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8 seconds ago
52 minutes ago
18 hours ago
The title tag is perfect.
Meta description
The meta description tag is missing or empty.
Structured data
There are no structured data tags on the webpage.
JavaScript defer
There are 10 javascript resources without the defer attribute.

Ranking improvement

Our Reports helps improve your website presence on major search engines such as:

Track everything that your users do. Acquire and retain more customers with advanced analytics.


Easy Integrations

You can easily integrates our analytics with your favorite platforms such as:.

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Frequently asked questions

What is WebZender?
WebZender is comprehensive SEO Reports, web analytics and Tools Platform, that allows you to Track your website visitors in realtime, without compromising their privacy. it also can be use to generate insightful, concise and easy to understand SEO reports that will help your webpage rank and perform better.
What tests can your SEO reports perform on my weblink?
Our SEO reports can perform Over 30 different test on a weblink, and this test can we categorize into four (4) namely:
1. SEO , 2. Security , 3. Performance , 4. Miscellaneous .
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