Lorem ipsum generator

A Lorem ipsum generator is a tool that generates placeholder text (dummy text) in the form of Latin-like gibberish, commonly used in design and typesetting to simulate the appearance of real text without conveying any specific meaning. set the type (paragraphs, sentences or words) then set the number to generate


A case converter is a tool or program used to convert a text in UPPERCASE or lowercase or Sentence case, or Capitalized Case. Enter or paste your text and choose how you want to convert it and it will convert.

A text to slug converter is a tool or function that converts a given text or string into a URL-friendly slug format. It removes spaces, special characters, and accents, and replaces them with hyphens or underscores to create a more readable and SEO-friendly URL.

A URL converter is a tool or program used to convert and modify URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to different formats or representations, enabling the transformation of URLs for various purposes such as encoding special characters, decoding encoded URLs, or converting between relative and absolute URLs.

A Base64 converter is a tool or algorithm that encodes binary data or text into a Base64 format and vice versa. Base64 encoding is used to represent binary data or non-ASCII characters in a safe and ASCII-compatible format, often used in applications such as data transmission over text-based protocols (e.g., email attachments) or storing binary data in textual formats (e.g., within XML or JSON).

A binary converter is a tool or program used to convert data between binary (base-2) representation and other numeral systems, such as decimal (base-10), hexadecimal (base-16), or octal (base-8). It allows users to convert numbers, characters, or data between different binary-based formats for various purposes, including programming, networking, or digital systems.

A text replacer is a tool or program that replaces specific words, phrases, or patterns with alternative ones within a given text or document, facilitating search and replace operations.